We would love for you to join us on Sundays!

No matter what your background is with church — whether it’s your first time, or you grew up in a specific denomination, you just moved and had to leave a church you loved, or you have some baggage — it’s totally natural to feel a little nervous when going someplace new. We want you to know that you are welcome here. You don’t have to act differently or pretend to be something you’re not. We are a warm, friendly church. Let us know how we can help you feel at home.

Sunday Schedule

9:00am - (Worship Hour) worship & message in the worship center

10:30am - (Grow Hour) 6 classes available to choose from

2:00pm - (Evening Service) diving deeper into the morning’s sermon


The dress at Waypoint is generally casual; we have people who like to dress up a little more and others who like to come very relaxed. Come as you are. What really matters to us is that we get a chance to get to know you, whether you’re rocking a sweater-vest, skinny jeans, or Italian silk tie.

The Sermon

Our messages focus on the Bible and what it teaches. The services are designed to help you get your focus on God and set an atmosphere of worship inviting you to be open to what God has for you today.


Our style is a blend of modern, classic, and original music programmed to speak to a broad cross-section of people. We aim for joyful, authentic, meaningful worship.